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Boston ride

Elena: Ну, народ, присоединяйтесь к Лёне. Мы с Ричардом вас торжественно встретим: "I think it would be easy to meet him at one of the Mass Pike service areas, maybe near I-84 at Sturbridge. If he comes out I-84, gets on Mass Pike at the end of 84, goes east towards Boston, there is a service area about two miles on the right. If we know what time he is going to be there, we could meet him. It is about one and a half hours ride for us. Either that, or we could meet him at the seervice area on 128 at Rt 4,225. Either way. We just have to make sure it is a day when we don't have other committments. I am official IBA witness, so if he decides to go for SS1000, I can sign his paperwork for him when he gets here. He just has to make sure he checks out the IBA website, downloads the necessary forms, gets start witness, saves fuel reciepts, keeps log, etc. If the timeing works, we can show him some New Hampshire roads while he is here."

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MrZ: Сеодня в почте пришел сетификат from Iron Butt Association. Мы официально подтверждены на 1035 миль за 24 часа. Прислали нашивку, знaчек, рамку под номенрой знак и бумагу с подписью! Не прошло и пол-года!

makdim2go: Получили сертификаты!Значки и нашивки. Лена, Ричард Большое вас спасибо за прием и поддержку. В следусчем году надо повторить ето дело :)

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